Creating Meaningful Learning Experience in Experiential Learning Course
Speakers: Prof Kam Tim WOO
Associate Professor of Engineering Education, Department of ECE
Founding Director, Center for Global & Community Engagement, SENG
Ms Phoebe MOK
Education Development Officer, CEI
Format: Seminar
Seminar Overview:
As it name suggests, the basis of experiential education involves learning from experience. However, experience alone does not necessarily lead to true learning unless the experience is carefully chosen, authentic and well-structured. Given “experience” is the heart of experiential learning education, the course design, instructor’s facilitation, and assessment are all working towards one goal: to provide the conditions and create the experience for learning to happen. In this seminar, the speakers will use ENGG2900D (Community Services Project: Underwater Robot Community Engagement Project) as a showcase of how to use underwater robot as a driving vehicle to create meaningful learning experience for both UST students and the targeted serve group of school children with special education needs (SEN) or the ethnic minorities. This SENG, SSCI, and SBM co-listed course* was offered twice in Spring 15 and 16 respectively, the speakers will share the experience gained in the design, implementation, and assessment of this experiential learning course.
*This course is co-listed as ENGG2900D/SCIE1090D/SEMT2100H
About the Speakers:
Professor Kam Tim WOO received his BEng, MPhil and PhD degrees from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 1995, 1997 and 2005, respectively, all in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He is currently an Associate Professor of Engineering Education in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering. He has over 8-year experience in supervising students in design competitions and community based projects. He is a founding director of Center for Global & Community Engagement (GCE) in School of Engineering since 2011. He is the recipient of the UGC Teaching Award (2015), the Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching at HKUST (2015), and the School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award 2009 -10.
Ms Phoebe MOK is the Education Development Officer at the Center for Education Innovation (CEI). She has been working with Prof WOO to design and facilitate ENGG2900D.
Organized by:
Center for Education Innovation (CEI)
Workshop Materials:
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