Forum on HKUST's MOOC and Blended Learning Initiatives
First Session: Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 10:00 to 12:00
Second Session: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 - 16:00 to 18:00
Presenter: Professor T. C. Pong, Senior Advisor to the Provost (Teaching Innovation and E-learning)
Format: Forum
As a research intensive university, HKUST strives for excellence and innovation in education. Since Fall 2012, HKUST has partnered with Coursera and edX, two of the major Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms to offer the first three MOOCs from Asia and has attracted over 120,000 students worldwide. Our aims are to stay abreast of the innovative technological and pedagogical advances through partnering with leading international institutions and to use the experiences gained to enhance the teaching and learning environment on campus.
In last year’s senior management retreat, with participation of Deans and Department Heads, it was agreed that a pilot program would be launched to encourage faculty to experiment with innovative pedagogical approaches that blend online and face-to-face delivery for enhancing the education experience of our students. Last month, the UGC has also announced a funding scheme with a total of HK$82 million to fund institutions to adopt pedagogical changes and innovations for enhancing teaching and learning.
In this forum, the speaker briefed the participants on the plan and roadmap for our teaching innovation and e-learning initiatives, and the participants exchanged ideas on the way forward.
Workshop Materials:
- PowerPoint Presentation (Require ITSC log-in)
- 2588 reads