Getting Feedback for your Teaching with the HKUST Survey Tool

Wednesday, 4 March, 2015 - 12:30 to 14:00

Survey Tool is a user-friendly online survey system made available to all faculty and teaching staff at HKUST. With the tool, you can collect survey data from your target groups at your fingertips. Reports can also be generated easily.

Facilitators:  Rambo LAI and May TSE, CELT
Venue:  Room 6558 (via Lift 29-30)

About the workshops

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • set up survey with the tool

  • create questions manually or from question bank

  • analyze and interpret data with the tool

Target audience

For faculty and teaching staff who have limited or no experience with the tool and are interested in exploring how it can help enhance their teaching. Only a very basic level of web-skill is required.

Registration and Enquiries

Please click here to register.
For enquiries, please contact May Tse ( or Ext 8913)