Lifting the bulk: improving a large-enrollment introductory course via student-centered learning and assessment

Wednesday, 17 February, 2016 - 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers  Dr Man-Fung Cheung, Visiting Scholar, Department of Physics
                 Dr Wing Ho Ko, Lecturer, Office of the Dean of Science
                 Prof P. W. Leung, Professor, Department of Physics

Format:  Seminar

Seminar Overview:

In this seminar, the presenters have reported their latest efforts on this front, which involves two major interventions: the introduction of student-centered collaborative problem-solving tutorials, and the inclusion of formative component in mid-term exams through a computerized system that allows for self-scheduled reviews and retakes. The rationale, design, implementation, and results of these two interventions will be discussed, as will the implications and future directions.

About the Speakers:

Dr Man-Fung Cheung is currently a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Physics. He has taught several undergraduate Physics courses including large-enrollment courses (General Physics I and II). He was elected three times as one of the Ten Best Lecturers in 2013 – 2015.

Dr Wing Ho Ko is currently a lecturer in the School of Science. Since joining HKUST he has been involved in several of the undergraduate education initiatives within the School of Science, including the review of the School's pre-major curriculum, the development of a new practicum course (SCIE 3100), and the refinement of PHYS 1112 that is the topic of this seminar.

Prof P. W. Leung is a Professor in the Physics Department and Associate Dean of Science. He won the Michael Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching in 2007 and was elected five times as one of the Ten Best Lecturers

Workshop Materials: