New Faculty Orientation Fall 2010
Session 1: HKUST's Vision & Aspiration, Promotion & Substantiation
This session was delivered by the Acting Provost. It set the context for the program with a brief introduction to our history with respect to our aspirations and mission. A discussion of academic review and promotion regulations and policies at HKUST was arranged after the session.
Workshop Materials:
Session 2: HR Issues
This session was delivered by the Director (HRO). It covered the people elements in the University as well as highlight various benefits (e.g. leave, housing, etc.) and HR services.
Workshop Materials:
Session 3A: Outcome-Based Education: Learning Outcomes
This session was delivered by Director (CELT). It covered an overview of Outcomes-Based Education and hands-on practice with constructing learning outcomes for courses for various levels and stages in the curriculum.
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Session 3B: Outcome-Based Education: Learning Assessment
This session was delivered by Director (CELT). It covered the alignment of learning assessments to learning outcomes and include hands-on practice with developing assessment rubrics.
Workshop Materials:
Session 3C: Outcome-Based Education: Course Design
This session was delivered by Director (CELT) and it covered the course design for outcomes-based education involving the alignment of outcomes, assessments and learning activities and hands-on practice with constructing a visual syllabus.
Workshop Materials:
Session 4: PhD Supervision
This was a panel session with a group of our experienced faculty discussing some of the key elements for effective PhD Supervision at HKUST.
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Session 5: Working with Teaching Assistants
This session was delivered by CELT staff and covered teaching assistants' roles and responsibilities at HKUST and provided advice on how to work with them to effectively support your students' learning. The second part of the session provided the opportunity to hear from experienced TA Coordinators on what makes this teaching relationship productive.
Workshop Materials:
Session 6: Library Support for Teaching and Research
New faculty members were grouped by school or department, and were introduced by subject librarians to the Library's major resources and services that support their teaching and research, such as e-journals, e-books, databases, Course Reserve, Interlibrary Loan, Course Specific Library Classes, Research Consultation, Citation Search Certification, Institutional Repository and HKUST Scholarly Publications Harvesting Project.
Session 7: Technology-supported Teaching & Learning
This session was delivered by CELT Staff and covered the university enterprise level teaching-related systems, including the Learning Management and Evaluation System (LMES), Peer Response System, HKUST Survey Tool and Turnitin (text originality detection). All of these tools have been introduced to the University in response to teaching and learning needs.
Workshop Materials:
Session 8: Knowing our Students
This session let the audiance know more about the UST students by introducing some of their characteristics including demographics, background and study habits to you. Various student support services were also introduced. The second part of this session provided new faculty members with the opportunity to meet with some of our students and hear first hand from them about their learning experiences in and out of the classroom.
Workshop Materials:
Session 9: Media and Publishing Services for Teaching and Learning
This session talked about PTC's campus-wide Remote Video Capture (RVC) services for lectures, seminars and student presentations. It also introduced the Center's copyright clearance, course pack and digital printing services. PTC's customized media production training for your students, mobile learning initiatives and media delivery platforms and will also be covered.
Workshop Materials:
Session 10: Teaching at the Chalkface & Teaching Development
The first part of this session was delivered by two HKUST faculty who shared their experiences of teaching at HKUST with a short presentation followed by a question and answer session. The second part of this session was delivered by CELT staff and covered the range of opportunities to develop your teaching and teaching evaluation at HKUST.
Workshop Materials:
- PowerPoint Presentation by Prof Mike So, ISOM
- PowerPoint Presentation by Prof Melody Chao, MGMT
- Video
Session 11: Getting Feedback on Your Teaching
This session provided a number of different ways that you can obtain feedback on your teaching both during a course and at the end of a semester. This session was delivered by CELT staff.
Workshop Materials:
- 2942 reads