A series of "Dialogue with Journal Editors" Conversation with Senior Faculty

Friday, 25 February, 2011 (All day) to Monday, 25 April, 2011 (All day)

Format: Seminar

In this seminar, speakers shared their experiences and provided valuable advice on the topics on: Key expectations of a journal editor in journal publication; Typical major requirements of editors/reviewers in determining acceptance or rejection of an article submission and; and Effective ways of communicating with journal editors especially when discord arises.

Session 1: School of Engineering

Date: 25 Feb 2011


  • Prof Khaled Ben Letaief, Dean of Engineering
  • Prof Edmond Ko, Senior advisor to Provost

Session 2: School of Business and Management

Date: 11 Mar 2011


  • Prof Kalok Chan, Associate Dean of SBM
  • Prof Albert Ha, Department Head of ISOM
  • Prof Jaideep Sengupta, Department Head of Marketing
  • Prof Larry Farh, Chair Professor of Management

Workshop Materials:

PowerPoint Presentation

Session 3: School of Science

Date: 25 Mar 2011


  • Prof Nancy Ip, Dean of Science
  • Prof Qi-Man Shao, Chair Professor of Mathematics
  • Prof Ben Zhong Tang, Chair Professor of Chemistry

Workshop Materials:

PowerPoint Presentation

Session 4: School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Date: 8 Apr 2011


  • Prof James Lee, Dean of Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Dr Ying Lin, Managing Editor of the Chinese University Press

Workshop Materials:

PowerPoint Presentation