Student Success: Findings from Student Learning Research at HKUST
Speaker: Dr. Pakey Chik
Head, Student Evaluation and Assessment, Office of Institutional Research
Venue: Room 6558 (Lift 27-28)
Seminar Overview:
The term of “student success” is central to all forms of education. Depending on how “student success” is delineated, academic and professional staff are making a difference in the kind of learning outcomes to be achieved by their students. Then, what constitutes “student success” in higher education? How do certain characteristics and undergraduate learning experiences of students relate to their being considered successful? This seminar draws on the assessment and survey data collected from 370 undergraduate final year students in 2015/16 to help shed lights into these questions. The results indicate varied degrees of association among different students’ learning outcomes and their certain academic and campus life experiences at HKUST. This seminar will also discuss what faculty can do to make a difference in students' learning.
About the Speaker:
Dr. CHIK is the Head of the Student Evaluation and Assessment team which works closely with different offices and units to provide research and data analytic support in obtaining and analyzing student data, feedback and performance for the University's academic review, planning and quality assurance.
All Faculty Members and Teaching Staff are welcome
*Light refreshment will be served
Please click here to register. For enquiries, please contact Miss Phoebe Mok (2358-6297,
Organized by:
Center for Education Innovation (CEI)
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