Enhancing Your Teaching with eTools

Thursday, 14 August, 2014 (All day) to Tuesday, 4 November, 2014 (All day)
In Fall 2014, CELT will offer the following workshops to introduce you to a range of institutional eTools that support your teaching at HKUST. All faculty members and  teaching staff are welcome to join the sessions that are of interest to you.

About the workshops


Learning Objectives



Introduction to Learning Management and Evaluation System

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • set up a course site
  • manage course materials in the course site
  • communicate with students using Announcements and Discussion
  • assess students using Assignment and Self-Test

Thu, 14 Aug 14
2:00 – 3:30

Registration closed.

Mon, 08 Sep 14
12:30 – 2:00

Registration closed.

Knowing more about Learning Management and Evaluation System (LMES II)*

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • monitor student's learning progress using Statistics and Progress Report
  • set up the course site to facilitate student group work
  • assess students in Discussion
  • customize the settings of a quiz

Tue, 30 Sep 14
12:30 – 2:00

Registration closed.

Promoting Originality to Your Students with Turnitin**

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • set up class and assignments
  • manage class and students
  • build up assignment database
  • check and grade the originality of assignments

Mon, 25 Aug 14
12:30 – 2:00

Registration closed.

Tue, 04 Nov 14
12:30 – 2:00

Registration closed.

Getting Feedback for Your Teaching with Survey Tool

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • recall the different question types
  • customize the settings of a survey
  • create new questions
  • reuse questions from a question bank
  • view survey results

Thu, 18 Sep 14
12:30 – 2:00

Registration closed.

Facilitate student peer evaluation with iPeer

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • set up student peer groups
  • create an Evaluation Item
  • launch an Evaluation Event
  • view and release grades and comments to students

Thu, 28 Aug 14
12:30 – 2:00

Registration closed.

Tue, 07 Oct 14
12:30 – 2:00

Registration closed.


Facilitators: Rambo LAI and May TSE, CELT
Room 6558 (Lift 27-28)
Target audience: For faculty and teaching staff who have limited or no experience with the tools and are interested in exploring how they can help enhance their teaching. Only a very basic level of web-skill is required.

* Faculty and teaching staff should have attended LMES I or have some basic understanding before attending LMES II.

** Attending the Turnitin workshop is a pre-requisite for faculty and teaching staff who plan to use Turnitin.

Enquiry: May Tse (ctmay@ust.hk or Ext 8913)

About the eTools

LMES is a comprehensive Learning Management System with functionalities similar to Moodle and BlackBoard. It is an adaptation of the open-source LMS, Sakai, and is specially customized for HKUST's own needs. It was introduced to the University since 2005. Currently there are over 1,500 courses using LMES in an academic year. If you are interested in using LMES, please sign up here.

Turnitin is an originality checking and anti-plagiarism software that is globally used by millions of students and faculty. Beyond checking the originality of students' work, Turnitin is promoting a writing cycle that makes anti-plagiarism more meaningful to students' learning. The cycle includes originality checking, online grading and providing feedback and peer review. HKUST has subscribed to its service in order to minimize plagiarism issues within HKUST. For more information, please go to http://turnitin.com/

Survey Tool is a user-friendly online survey system made available to all faulty and teaching staff at HKUST. With the tool, you can collect survey data from your target groups at your fingertips. Reports can also be generated easily.

iPeer was adapted from an open source (http://ipeer.ctlt.ubc.ca/about) and HKUST customized it to suit our own needs. It supports four types of evaluations, namely Point Distribution, Rating Scale, Rubric and Commendation. The system aims to provide a platform for teaching staff to conduct student peer evaluation on group projects in a more efficient and effective way.