University E-learning Forum -- Blended Learning Course: From Design to Delivery

Friday, 26 September, 2014 - 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers:  Prof CHOW King Lau
                      Professor, Division of Life Science & Biomedical Engineering
                      Director, Interdisciplinary Programs Office

                   Prof YEUNG Lam Lung
                      Head, Student Housing & Residential Life Office
                      Residence Master (UG VI), Office of the Dean of Students

Format: Seminar

In this seminar, the presenters' sharing was focus on the evolution of the course format, development of the course content, and critical steps that hinder efficient transformation from one format into the other.  While the course is still evolving, the first-handed experience would be useful for late comers who consider adoption of online course or blended learning mode for their own course.


Seminar Materials: