Common Core Program Series: Course Design in Practice -- Learning from the Award Winners

Friday, 24 October, 2014 - 12:30 to 14:00
Speakers:  Prof Yongsuk KIM
                  Assistant Professor, ISOM
                  Prof Jeevan JAISINGH
                  Associate Professor of Business Education, ISOM

Format: Seminar

Co-Organized by:  Undergraduate Core Education (UCE) Team, AQUS &
                              Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching (CELT)

In this seminar, the winners of the Common Core Course Excellence Award 2013 shared their teaching pedagogies that they found effective in dealing with the above challenges. They had feature the teaching strategies and assessment methods that worked in their common core course to create a unique and synergistic learning experience for students with diverse background and abilities. They also shared how they went beyond traditional lecture and took students on an exciting journey to gain simulated experience about the abstract concepts through various in-class activities. Lastly, they have discussed the platform they used to promote effective student-student and student-instructor interaction outside the classroom.

Workshop Materials: