Preparing for Teaching & Learning at HKUST
Facilitators: Miss Phoebe Mok, Miss Elaine Wong
Center for Education Innovation
Venue: Room 6558 (Lift 27-28)
This program is for HKUST teaching support staff (e.g. Instructional Assistant; Teaching Associate) who are engaged in teaching-related activities, such as small-group teaching and/or marking students’ work.
It aims to inform you of some good pedagogical practices, assessment methods and equip you with the necessary skills that enhance student learning in your class.
By participating in this program, you will be able to:
- Familiarise with some effective pedagogical practice in order to build your repertoire of strategies;
- Plan and design active learning activities that encourage interaction and engagement among your students;
- Identify appropriate assessment and feedback strategies
The program is composed of two sessions:
Session 1: Preparing for Active Learning in your Classes (11:00 am - 12:30pm) |
This session aims to prepare you for your teaching at HKUST. You will learn about the teaching and learning environment of HKUST and some effective pedagogical methods to engage students for more active learning. You will find useful strategies to help you 1) prepare for the first class, 2) design active learning activities, and 3) brush up your facilitation skills. |
Get-together lunch: 12:30pm - 1:45pm |
Session 2: Good Practices for Assessment (2:00 pm - 3:30pm) |
Although assessment has a direct impact on student learning, handling assessment tasks – design, mark and give feedback could be intimidating for any one new to it. This workshop intends to give you ideas on 1) how to design and select learner-centered assessment tasks that fit the purpose, 2) how to use rubrics to evaluate students’ works and 3) ways to provide constructive feedback. |
All Teaching Associate & Instructional Assistant are welcome
Please click here to register. For enquiries, please contact Miss Phoebe Mok (2358-6297,
Organized by:
Center for Education Innovation (CEI)
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