Peer-Supported Learning with PRS

Friday, 21 May, 2004 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Jim Boyle

Format: Interview

Prof Jim Boyle, Head of Mechanical Engineering at Strathclyde University, is a leader in innovative teaching and learning approaches involving peer-learning and technology-supported learning. He came to HKUST as keynote speaker at our 2nd Teaching and Learning Symposium. In this interview, he shares with us the use of HKUST's peer-response system at Strathclyde and its integration with a range of active learning strategies.

Workshop Materials:

  1. Background of PRS at Strathclyde
  2. Main benefits of PRS for students
  3. Faculty adoption and continued use of PRS
  4. Most productive uses of PRS
  5. Question/Discussion sequences with PRS
  6. Faculty activity during student peer discussions
  7. How PRS fits in with other active learning strategies at Strathclyde
  8. Evaluation of learning impact of using PRS-supported peer instruction at Strathclyde
  9. Evaluation of learning impact of using PRS-supported peer instruction at other institutions