New Faculty Orientation Fall 2012

Thursday, 9 August, 2012 - 09:30 to Monday, 13 August, 2012 - 12:45

The Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching has organized a Faculty Orientation program that covers various topics and teaching and learning support services at HKUST. All faculty members and teaching staff are welcome to join the sessions that are of interest.

For enquiries, please contact Miss Irene Pang at 23586803 or

  Thu 9 Aug Fri 10 Aug Weekend Mon 13 Aug

Session 1:
Knowing our


Room 7332
Session 3:
Working with TAs

By CELT and TACs

Room 7332

Session 6:
Getting Feedback
on Your Teaching


Room 7342

Tea Break Tea Break   Tea Break

Session 2:
Technology Support
for T&L at HKUST


Room 7332
Session 4:
Sharing from HKUST

By CELT and Faculty

Room 7332
  Session 7:
PhD Supervision

By CELT and Faculty

Room 7342
Lunch Get-together Lunch      

  Session 5:
Library Support for
Teaching and


Library Gallery

Where the rooms are:

Room 7332 and 7342 via Lift 13-15 (next to the Chinese restaurant on G/F)

What the sessions are about:

Session 1:
Knowing our Students
This session intends to let you know more about the UST students by introducing some of their characteristics including demographics, background and study habits to you. Various student support services will also be introduced.

Session 2:
Technology Support for T&L at HKUST
This session will be delivered by CELT Staff. The 1.5-hour session will introduce you briefly to the services provided by CELT’s Technology-enhanced Teaching team and a range of institutional systems that support your teaching as well as students’ learning at HKUST. These systems include the Learning Management and Evaluation System (LMES), HKUST Survey Tool and Turnitin (a plagiarism prevention tool).

Session 3:
Working with Teaching Assistants
This session will be delivered by CELT staff and will cover teaching assistants' roles and responsibilities at HKUST. It will also provide advice on how to work with them to effectively support your teaching. The second part of the session will give you the opportunity to hear from experienced TA Coordinators on how to make this teaching relationship productive.

Session 4:
Sharing from HKUST Professors
This session will be delivered by HKUST faculty who will share their experiences of teaching at HKUST with a short presentation followed by a question and answer session.

Session 5:
Library Support for Teaching and Research
Subject librarians will introduce new faculty to the Library's major resources and services that support their teaching and research, such as databases, e-journals, e-books, Interlibrary Loan, Course Reserve, Library Instruction Classes for course assignment/project, Research Consultation and Institutional Repository.

Session 6:
Getting Feedback on Your Teaching
This session will provide a number of different ways that you can obtain feedback on your teaching both during a course and at the end of a semester. This session will be delivered by CELT staff.

Session 7:
PhD Supervision
This will be a panel session with a group of our experienced faculty discussing some of the key elements for effective PhD Supervision at HKUST.