25 JAN 2010 SPRING
Spring 2010 Teaching Assistant Induction Program
The Spring 2010 TA training program organized to all new TA in late Jan was held from 25 January to 29 January. All the workshops in core session have been completed successfully.
Spring 2010 Teaching Assistant Workshop Archive - Core Session
Workshop Title: TA103 ICAC Seminar
This workshop was organized by ICAC. The objectives of the talk were: (1) to enhance vigilance of teaching assistants against the risks and consequences of corruption and dishonest acts in their daily work; (2) to appeal the importance of practicing ethics as the first line of defense against graft / malpractices; and (3) to equip TAs with necessary legal knowledge and practical skills to identify and handle ethical dilemmas at work. This workshop intended to equip TAs with some practical teaching skills as Teaching Assistants at UST. By the end of the workshop, TAs should be able to 1) describe the roles and duties of being a Teaching Assistant at UST; 2) explain common problems in teaching and ways to handle them and 3) identify teaching resources available.
Workshop Title: TA111 Effective Teaching Skills
This workshop intended to equip TAs with some practical teaching skills as Teaching Assistants at UST. By the end of the workshop, TAs should be able to 1) describe the roles and duties of being a Teaching Assistant at UST; 2) explain common problems in teaching and ways to handle them and 3) identify teaching resources available.
Workshop Title: TA112 Marking & Grading
This workshop offered TAs a chance to learn the basic principles of marking and grading through working on a simulated marking exercise in group. By the end of the workshop, TAs should be able to 1) describe some basic principles of marking & grading, 2) Identify resources available to enhance their knowledge and practice of marking and grading.
Workshop Title: TA113 Effective Presentation Skills for Teaching
This workshop aimed to introduce some effective in-class presentation strategies for TAs. Group activities and discussion were conducted to ensure that after the workshop TAs should be confident to prepare, develop and deliver successful presentations for teaching.
Workshop Title: TA121 Conducting Laboratory
This workshop aimed to: (1) increase TAs' awareness of Laboratory safety, (2) discuss common issues of conducting Laboratory and (3) introduce effective ways of performing their Lab duties. It is followed by a discussion session hosted by TACs on major issues that TAs should be aware of when conducting laboratory.
Teaching Assistant Workshop Archive - Elective Session
Workshop Title: TA122 Classroom Management
This is a 1.5-hour elective workshop in which TAs were learnt learn how to manage a classroom for more effective teaching and learning. TAs were provided with (1) basic key strategies to minimize the chance of having classroom disruptions, and (2) advices on handling different disruptive situations when they occur.
Workshop Tittle: TA123 Techniques for Interactive Teaching
This workshop aimed to enhance the effectiveness of classroom teaching by increasing interaction between teachers and students. This workshop introduced (1) the principles of interactive teaching. different techniques of interactive teaching and (3) common issues when conducting interactive teaching and ways to handle them.
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