Common Core Program Series: Engaging Students in Common Core Courses – Arousing Their Interest and Managing Their Expectation

Monday, 2 March, 2015 - 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers:  Dr CHEN Tian Wen, Lecturer, Department of Physics
                     PHYS 1006   Astronomy for Beginners

                  Dr NG Yee Fai, Teaching Associate, Department of Physics
                     PHYS 1001   Physics and the Modern Society

Format: Seminar

Organized by UCE Team, AQUS and CELT

In this seminar, developers of the two popular common core courses – Astronomy for Beginners, and Physics and the Modern Society – has shared their experience in developing and teaching their courses. They also shared with the audieance the secret of arousing students’ interest through teaching activities such as lecturing, demonstrations, animations, videos, etc. Lastly, they shared the highlight the techniques they found effective in managing students' expectation for the course.


Workshop Materials: