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Professional Dev for Non-faculty teaching staff

Common Core Program Series - Dilemma and Solutions: Teaching a Major-branded Subject as a Common Core Course

Fri, 2015-09-25 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers:  Prof Dit-Yan YEUNG, Professor
                   Prof Cindy LI, Lecturer
                   Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Format:   Seminar

In this sharing session, the presenter has discussed some issues encountered during both the design and delivery of the course that might be of general interest to course designers and instructors not limited to the computing discipline.

Student Engagement & Interactive Teaching: Breaking Down Classroom Barriers to Risk Taking

Fri, 2015-09-11 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker:  Richard Cox
                 Lecturer, Stanford Graduate School of Business
                 Instructor,, Stanford University

Format: Seminar

In this seminar, Rich looked at creativity exercises, the assumptions they hold about teaching in higher education, and the methods for creating a safe environment that increases participation and ensures that the learning objectives are met.

Flipping our Notions of Flipped Classrooms – Engaging the Online Classroom

Mon, 2015-08-03 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker:  Prof Sarah Vigmostad
                 Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa
                 Visiting Associate Professor, HKUST

Format:  Seminar

Special Common Core Seminar - Sparking Students’ Interest in Common Core Education

Co-organized by UCE and CELT

Thu, 2015-06-11 10:30 to 12:00

Speakers:   Prof Deborah K. Fitzgerald
                   Kenan Sahin Dean, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology

                   Prof John J. Cunningham
                   Vice President for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and International Relations
                   University of Massachusetts System
                   Chief Executive Officer, UMassOnline

Developing an Effective & Motivating Experiential Learning Classroom

Mon, 2015-05-11 14:00 to Tue, 2015-05-12 17:00

Speaker:  Dr. Sheri Dressler
                Ex- director, Office of Experiential Learning, University of Central Florida
                Faculty Member, University of Central Florida
                Board Member, National Society of Experiential Education, United States
Date:  Workshop 1: 11 May (Monday)
           Workshop 2: 12 May (Tuesday)
Time:  2:00pm - 5:00pm
Format: Seminar

How to Ensure the Success of Flipped Teaching?

Tue, 2015-05-19 09:15 to 12:00

Speaker:  Prof. YEH Ping-Cheng, Benson
                Director, National Taiwan University (NTU) MOOC
                Associate Professor, EE Department/GICE
                Associate Director, Center for Teaching and Learning Development

Format:  Semianr

University E-learning Forum – A Tale of Two In-house Blended Learning Courses

Wed, 2015-04-22 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers:  Prof. Ronald LAU (Associate Professor of Business Education, ISOM)
                  Prof. Helen SHEN (Associate Professor, CSE)
                  Dr. Kenneth LEUNG (Lecturer, CSE)

Format: Seminar

Group work and team assessment: Why are we putting students into groups?

Wed, 2015-04-15 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker:  Prof CHAN Yui Bun, Ben
                Associate Director, Center for Engineering Education Innovation (E²I)
                Assistant Professor of Engineering Education, CIVL

Format: Seminar

In this seminar, the presenter has explored the purposes of forming groups/ teams in courses, and how we can facilitate and assess students’ group work.

Conversations with Faculty: Designing & Facilitating Experiential Learning Courses

Tue, 2015-03-31 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers:  Prof Mark Andrew MIHOREAN
                  Assistant Professor of Business Education, Department of Management

                  Prof Kevin TAM
                  Assistant Professor, Division of Social Science

                  Prof Julian M. GROVES
                  Senior Lecturer, Division of Social Science

Format: Seminar

Facilitate student peer evaluation with iPeer

Tue, 2015-03-24 12:30 to 14:00

Facilitator: Rambo Lai and May Tse, CELT

Venue: Room 6558 (Lift 29-30)

About the Workshop:

iPeer was adapted from an open source and HKUST customized it to suit our own needs. It supports four types of evaluations, namely Point Distribution, Rating Scale, Rubric and Commendation. The system aims to provide a platform for teaching staff to conduct student peer evaluation on group projects in a more efficient and effective way.

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
