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CEI Workshops and Seminars

iPeer Workshop – facilitating student peer evaluation with ease

Thu, 2018-03-08 12:30 to 14:00

iPeer is a web-based solution that facilitates student peer- and self-evaluation of group projects. It supports four types of evaluations, namely Point Distribution, Rating Scale, Rubric and Commendation. The web-based application provides a paperless solution for teaching staff to conduct student peer evaluation on group projects in a more efficient and effective way.

Developing students’ ability to succeed as graduates: Embedding employability as metacognition

Wed, 2018-03-07 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker:  Dawn Bennett
                John Curtin Distinguished Professor of Higher Education
                Director, Creative Workforce Initiative,
                Curtin University

                National Senior Australian Learning and Teaching Fellow,
               The Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows
                Principal Fellow, The Higher Education Academy, UK

Format:  Seminar

Embedded Leadership Development of Students in Academic Courses Across Discipline

Mon, 2018-03-05 12:00 to 14:00

Speaker:  Barry Posner, Ph.D.
                Accolti Endowed Professor of Leadership, Leavey School of Business
                Santa Clara University

Format:   Seminar

uReply: Quick and Easy Tool to Maximize Students’ Learning

Fri, 2018-02-23 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers:  Professor LAM Lai Chuen, Paul
                  Associate Professor, The Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research,
                  The Chinese University of Hong Kong

                  Mr. Kevin Wong
                  Research Associate, The Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research,
                  The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Format:  Seminar

Common Core Program Series: Why are my students sleeping in class? – Simple active learning activities to motivate students in large class

Thu, 2018-02-08 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker:  Prof. Chan Yui Bun,
                 Assistant Professor of Engineering Education (CIVL),
                 Associate Director, Center for Engineering Education Innovation (E2I)

Format:  Seminar

University Teaching and Learning Course – Spring 2018 (Cancelled)

Tue, 2018-01-16 09:30 to Fri, 2018-01-19 14:00

The University Teaching and Learning Course is offered to all new professors and on-the-job faculty.  For the new comers, this course will prepare you on some important aspects of university teaching and learning, such as course design, learning assessment and feedback, teaching for student engagement and working with groups.  For the experienced faculty, this course can give you new insights in your teaching and useful advice on current teaching pedagogy to enhance student learning.

New Faculty Orientation: Teaching and Learning at HKUST, Spring 2018, One-day Program, 15 January 2018

Mon, 2018-01-15 09:30

New Faculty Orientation: Teaching and Learning at HKUST is an introductory program for all teaching staff who have recently joined HKUST.  The program is specifically designed to take account of some key aspects of teaching and learning in the context of HKUST.  

OASIS: An Online Assessment for Individual Scores

Fri, 2017-12-15 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers:  Professor Chi-Keung Woo
                  Professor, Asian and Policy Studies
                  Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies and Student Learning) of Faculty of Liberal Arts and
                  Social Sciences,
Education University of Hong Kong  
                  Dr. Alice Shiu
                  Associate Professor, School of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business,
                  Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Experiential Learning at UST: Mistakes, Lessons, More Mistakes…That’s Experiential

Mon, 2017-11-13 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker: Ir Richard HY SO
                Professor, Department of IELM
                Professor, Division of Biomedical Engineering

Format: Seminar

A Fantasy-Adventure Approach to an Experiential Computer Music Course

Thu, 2017-10-26 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker:  Professor Andrew Horner
                Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Format:  Seminar
