The overall aim of these five interactive workshops is to develop some skills and strategies to help you complete a quality thesis on time.
Teaching Approach
Depending on the workshop, we will draw on research, cases and accounts of good practice to explore solution strategies to common problems that research students face. There will also be opportunities for trying out, reflecting, and getting feedback.
Speaker: Dr Lucia Yeung, Educational Developer, CELT
Format: Seminar
In this workshop, the speaker shared some effective strategies in reading journal papers so that students can obtain the knowledge from journal papers more effectively and efficiently.
Also students were shown how to describe the general organization of a journal paper and identify strategies to read each part of the journal paper more effectively.
Presenter: Prof Kam Tim WOO, Visiting Assistant Professor, ECE
Format: Seminar
In this session, Prof Woo shared the project team’s experience in designing grading rubrics for their capstone project courses and how the pedagogy was integrated into the courses. In addition, he shared the experience in applying the Teaching Development Grant and the supports from Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching (CELT) in the development process, such as consultation advice and student feedback collection and analysis.
In Spring 2012, CELT will offer the following workshops to introduce you to a range of institutional eTools that support your teaching at HKUST. These include the Learning Management System (LMES), Turnitin (an anti-plagiarism tool) and HKUST Survey Tool.
In this workshop, the speaker introduced some motivational theories and discussed how these theories can be put into practice in HKUST. Participants had the opportunity to share their experiences so that they can learn from each other.