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CEI Workshops and Seminars

Assessing Students in Team-based Learning

Tue, 2011-05-17 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Karl A Smith

Format: Seminar

This workshop emphasized structuring student teams to promote high performance and individual learning through ensuring positive interdependence (commitment to a common goal) and individual accountability (individual assessment). A model that combines group processing, process observation, peer review and individual assessment has been introduced. Workshop participants also had the opportunity to practice many of these elements as well as plan adoption in their courses.

Capstone Experience @ CUHK: What (Capabilities), How (Activities) and Assessment

Wed, 2011-04-27 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Keith Thomas, Associate Professor, CUHK

Format: Seminar

In this presentation, the speaker illustrated the principles and concepts of a capstone experience and outlines some possible design options, possible learning activities and expected outcomes. Finally, recent study findings based on CUHK students' final year of study were shown to illustrate the earlier characteristics of a capstone experience and relative benefits.

Workshop Materials:

Writing Up Conclusion

Wed, 2011-04-20 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Keith Tong, Associate Director, LANG

Format: Seminar

In this workshop, the presenter looked at the process of writing up conclusions for academic papers and theses. It examines the organizational structures and rhetorical devices commonly adopted in drawing conclusions and discussing implications from research findings. It also explored ways to make connections with earlier chapters in the academic paper or thesis. Special attention will be paid to the effects of syntactic and lexical choices on the reader.

Has UG Experience at HKUST Led to Improvement in Generic Skills?

Wed, 2011-04-20 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Tak S Ha

Format: Seminar

Preliminary Findings of a 3-Year Longitudinal Study into the Value-Addedness of UG Programs at HKUST

In this seminar, Dr Ha has presented with the preliminary findings from the study and a chance to ponder on the question of what is making a difference in our UG programs.

Personal Effectiveness: Self Confidence in Research

Fri, 2011-04-08 (All day)

Presenter: Miss Sindy Yip, Student Counselor (Clinical Psychologist)

Format: Seminar

In this workshop, participants will be guided to explore and reflect on their road to research excellence and to learn ways to develop adaptive thoughts and attitudes that can facilitate one to develop personal effectiveness in research life.

Workshop Materials:

Working with Others: Social Quotient (SQ)

Wed, 2011-03-09 (All day)

Presenter: Miss Vava Kwok, Student Counselor

Format: Seminar

In this workshop,the presenter has guided the audiance to expand their repertoire on enhancing social capabilities, earn trust and hugs from people around, and eventually win a more pleasurable and fun road to success in research.

Workshop Materials:

A series of "Dialogue with Journal Editors" Conversation with Senior Faculty

Fri, 2011-02-25 (All day) to Mon, 2011-04-25 (All day)

Format: Seminar

In this seminar, speakers shared their experiences and provided valuable advice on the topics on: Key expectations of a journal editor in journal publication; Typical major requirements of editors/reviewers in determining acceptance or rejection of an article submission and; and Effective ways of communicating with journal editors especially when discord arises.

Session 1: School of Engineering

Date: 25 Feb 2011

Projecting Your Voice Protecting Your Voice (Advanced)

Thu, 2011-02-24 (All day)

Presenter:Prof Oliver Lo, Adjunct Associate Professor, HUMA


In this seminar, Prof Oliver Lo shared with us how to: 1) find their own optimum pitch in speaking 2) understand how to speak with breath support and optimum vocal placement.

Workshop Materials:

Writing Thesis Introductions

Wed, 2011-02-16 (All day)


  • Mr Andrew Chung, Chief Editor, Language Center
  • Dr John Milton, Senior Instructor, Language Center

Format: Workshop

Engaging Students With Learning Diversity

Tue, 2011-01-25 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Lucia Yeung (CELT)

Format: Seminar

In this workshop, Dr Lucia Yeung shared with us how to identify key motivational theories related to engaging students in class; list techniques in engaging students with diverse backgrounds relevant to their teaching context; and described issues and possible solutions for engaging students.

Workshop Materials:
