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CEI Workshops and Seminars

Development of a New Outcome-Based Assessment Method for CBME Laboratory

Wed, 2010-12-01 (All day)

Presenter: Prof John Barford, Associate Professor, CBME

Format: Seminar

Writing Up Reports of Experiments

Mon, 2010-09-27 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Arthur McNeill, Director of Language Center

Format: Seminar

Dr Arthur McNeill, Director of Language Center taught PGs how to write up reports of experiments in a professional manner. The workshop was focused on the reporting of quantitative data.

Workshop Materials:

Projecting Your Voice Protecting Your Voice

Fri, 2010-09-17 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Oliver Lo, Adjunct Associate Professor, Division of Humanities

Format: Seminar

In this seminar, Prof Oliver Lo shared with us how to protect and project our voices as a teacher or presenter. By the end of this 90-minute workshop, participants was able to: 1) list ways of maintaining vocal hygiene 2) summarize the physiological aspects of vocal production mechanism 3) apply the learnt materials to develop breath support and optimum vocal placement.

Workshop Materials:

Managing the Relationship with Your Academic Supervisor

Wed, 2010-09-15 (All day)

Presenter: Prof King Chow, BIOL; Prof Zongli Lu, HUMA; Prof Mike So, ISOM

Format: Seminar

In this workshop, academic supervisors from various schools (Prof King Chow, BIOL; Prof Zongli Lu, HUMA; Prof Mike So, ISOM) shared their expectations and experiences in working with students. Speakers also answered students' questions related to managing relationships with their supervisors.

Workshop Materials:

New Faculty Orientation Fall 2010

Thu, 2010-08-12 (All day) to Wed, 2010-08-18 (All day)


Session 1: HKUST's Vision & Aspiration, Promotion & Substantiation

This session was delivered by the Acting Provost. It set the context for the program with a brief introduction to our history with respect to our aspirations and mission. A discussion of academic review and promotion regulations and policies at HKUST was arranged after the session.

Workshop Materials:

Professional Development Workshops for RPGs (Spring 2010)

Fri, 2010-04-30 (All day) to Mon, 2010-05-17 (All day)

Format: Seminars

Managing Relationships with Academic Supervisors

Presenter: Dr Michael Lew, CELT

In the workshop, participants learnt how best to manage the all-important and sensitive relationship with their supervisors.

Workshop Materials:

The Power of Teamwork

A Sharing Session on Piloting an Assessment Plan

Fri, 2010-03-26 14:00 to 16:00

Location: 6591 (Lift 31-32)

Under the initiative of Outcome-based Education, the OBE steering group called for a sharing session with representatives from the four Schools and the four academic support units to share the progress and plan of assessments for the institution. The sharing session allowed us to have a glance of the big picture, and signaled the first step towards developing a more coherent and sustainable assessment plan across the institution.

Workshop Materials:
