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CEI Workshops and Seminars

The Basics of Outcome-Based Education (OBE)

Tue, 2007-10-02 16:00 to 18:00

Speaker: Prof Harvey Brightman

Location: Lecture Theatre F, HKUST

Prof Harvey Brightman, Regents Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences at Georgia State University. Drawing upon his rich experience of outcome-based education in the US, in the seminar, Prof Brightman covered the following:

24 AUG 2007 FALL

Fri, 2007-08-24 (All day)

TA Mass Orientation and Induction Training Program

CELT provided a series of training workshops to all TAs every academic year. For Fall 2007, the mandatory Orientation Session, Departmental Briefing Sessions, induction sessions and Competency Enhancement Workshops have completed successfully.

OBE Briefing for Schools

Fri, 2007-03-02 (All day) to Tue, 2007-03-13 (All day)

A series of briefings about OBE for schools were conducted in Mar 2007.

Outcome-based Approaches in Teaching and Learning

Thu, 2006-08-24 10:00 to 12:00

Speakers: Prof Edmond Ko, Dr David Mole and Mr Nick Noakes

Location: Room 6580, HKUST

This workshop introduces the concept of learning outcomes and their role in enhancing teaching and learning. Engineering accreditation exercises in the United States and United Kingdom will be used to illustrate the application of outcome-based approaches in a professional discipline. Finally, recent efforts at HKUST along this line, especially in relation to the planning of the four-year curriculum, will be described.

Providing Diagnostic Feedback to University Programmes

Fri, 2006-03-03 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Carmel McNaught

Format: Public Seminar

Prof Carmel McNaught, Professor of Learning Enhancement in the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research (CLEAR) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, she has had over 30 years of experience in teaching and research in higher education in Australasia, southern Africa and Britain.

I play, therefore I am

Fri, 2005-03-04 (All day)

Presenter: Mr Jim Chim

Format: General Education Lecture

Mr Jim Chim, renowned stage producer, actor and comedian, led the HKUST community to explore creativity through games, mini speech and sharing. Using his professional knowledge in miming and movement training, Mr Chim tactfully helps participants break through personal boundaries in attempt to realize their true creative potential.

Workshop Materials:

Creativity and The Creative Industries: Empowering Your Career and Future

Tue, 2004-10-05 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Kai-Yin Lo

Format: Public Seminar

Dr Kai-Yin Lo, internationally acclaimed designer of jewelry and accessories, shared her story of how history inspired her to become a designer, business woman and successful practitioner of the creative industries. She is also a recognized author, collector and expert on Chinese culture. Dr Lo's life is a demonstration of how success is made possible through the fusion of creativity and entrepreneurship.

Workshop Materials:

Peer-Supported Learning with PRS

Fri, 2004-05-21 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Jim Boyle

Format: Interview

Prof Jim Boyle, Head of Mechanical Engineering at Strathclyde University, is a leader in innovative teaching and learning approaches involving peer-learning and technology-supported learning. He came to HKUST as keynote speaker at our 2nd Teaching and Learning Symposium. In this interview, he shares with us the use of HKUST's peer-response system at Strathclyde and its integration with a range of active learning strategies.

Workshop Materials:

Bridging the Gap between Instructional Developer and Content Expert

Tue, 2004-01-13 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Mike Keppell

Format: Interactive Session

Dr Mike Keppell, Head of Centre for Integrating Technology in Education of Hong Kong Institute of Education, came to share with faculty and teaching staff here on working effectively with CELT's instructional development team to develop their online projects. Here is a Project Performa that he developed for online project planning.

Workshop Materials:

Using Quick Classroom Assessments to Monitor Student Learning

Fri, 2003-02-14 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Susan Wolcott

Format: Interactive Session
