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CEI Workshops and Seminars

23 APR 2008 SPRING

Wed, 2008-04-23 (All day)

TA Certificate of Achievement Presentation Ceremony

The TA Certificate of Achievement Presentation Ceremony organized by Teaching Assistant Coordinators Committee (TACC) and Center for Enhanced Learning & Teaching (CELT) was completed successfully on 23 Apr 2008. Over 100 TAs from different departments participated and they received the Certificate of Achievement at the Ceremony. Also, the Best TAC Award was presented by Dr David Mole (AVPAA) at the Ceremony.

19 MAR 2008 SPRING

Wed, 2008-03-19 (All day)

March 2008 TA Event - "Learning from the Best - A Chance for Enhancing Teaching and Communication with Students"

The March 2008 TA Event was completed successfully on 19 Mar 2008 (Wed). Over 60 participants joined the event. 4 experienced TAs and 1 UG student from different departments were invited to deliver an interesting and inspiring presentations to our TAs and UG students. Also, an interactive discussion and sharing session was conducted which benefited most of the TAs and UG students.

TA Presentations:

How Do They Manage it? An Investigation On The Study And Learning Strategies Of Year 1 HKUST Students

Fri, 2008-03-14 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Lucia Yeung and Dr Tak Ha

Format: Seminar

In Fall 2007, CELT conducted a student learning research to investigate how students at HKUST learn. The findings from this research help faculty and instructors to build up a scientific and evidence-based understanding of how their students learn. In this seminar, Dr Yeung and Dr Ha covered:

Learning-oriented Assessment, Outcomes and Trust

Fri, 2008-02-29 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker: Dr David Carless

Location: Room 3027 (Lift 1)

Dr Carless is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong. In this seminar, he covered the following assessment issues:

28 JAN 2008 SPRING

Mon, 2008-01-28 (All day)

Spring 2008 TA Program

CELT provided a series of training workshops to all TAs every academic year. For Spring 2008, all Induction Sessions, including Conducting Tutorials (INA), Conducting Laboratories (INB) and Marking and Grading (INC) have been successfully completed.

Outcome-Based Approach to Student Learning: A 4-staged model

Wed, 2007-11-14 12:00 to 13:30

Speaker: Dr Angela Ho

Location: Room 3027 (Lift 1)

Dr Angela Ho is the Head of Educational Development Centre of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has extensive experience in implementing outcome-based approaches to teaching, learning and assessment in higher education. In this workshop, she presented in a nutshell:

2 NOV 2007 FALL

Fri, 2007-11-02 (All day)

2007 TA Event - "A Good Show"

The Fall 07 TA Event organized by Teaching Assistant Coordinators Committee (TACC) and Center for Enhanced Learning & Teaching (CELT) was completed successfully on 2 Nov 2007 (Fri). More than 70 TAs from different departments enjoyed and participated actively in the show. The interactive role-playing games provided a chance for TAs to learn more on handling the difficult situations in their HKUST life.

Programme Outcomes Assessment

Thu, 2007-10-18 10:30 to 12:30

Speaker: Prof Ira Jacobson

Location: Room 6580 (Lift 27 / 28)

Prof Jacobson is the former member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Accreditation Board. In this seminar, Prof Jacobson will address the following issues:

What are appropriate learning outcomes and how they can be nurtured?

Thu, 2007-10-11 12:00 to 13:30

Speaker: Prof David Kember

Location: Room 3027

Prof Kember is the Professor of Learning Enhancement at Chinese University of Hong Kong. In this seminar, based on his research work on local higher education, Prof Kember addressed the following three issues:

  • What is an appropriate interpretation of 'learning outcomes' which satisfies both academics and the UGC?
  • What learning outcomes are needed by our graduates?
  • How can these be nurtured by universities?

Workshop Materials:
