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CEI Workshops and Seminars

Developing Research Students and Newer Researchers

Wed, 2009-06-03 (All day)

Presenter: Prof George Gordon

Format: Seminar

The seminar explored the various agendas (e.g. Research Councils/funders, students/newer researchers, employers, discipline communities) that exercise an influence on practices. Participants were invited to share experiences and identify issues. That information was used to inform consideration of what actions should be prioritised and how these could start to inform a coherent developmental model for early career researchers.

Workshop Materials:

Strengthening Research-Teaching Linkages as a means of promoting Inquiry-Based Learning

Tue, 2009-06-02 (All day)

Presenter: Prof George Gordon

Format: Seminar

The seminar drew upon experience in Scotland of a recent Quality Enhancement theme around the contribution of Research-Teaching Linkages in the development of graduate attributes. Prof George Gordon was co-director of the sector-wide project. There were also several projects targeted at groups of disciplines.

Assessment of Business Students' Intended Learning Outcomes at HKUST: The Experience at the School of Business and Management

Tue, 2009-05-26 12:30 to 13:30

Speaker: Prof Jiing-Lih Larry Farh

Over the last couple of years, under the OBE initiative, the School of Business and Management at HKUST developed a set of 9 intended learning outcomes for its UG BBA/BSc programs. In this talk, Professor Farh discussed a conceptual framework for assessing these outcomes; and the findings from a recent pilot study that compared how Year 1 and Year 3 accounting students self-assess their learning based on these intended learning outcomes.

Workshop Materials:

Best TAC Election 2008 - 2009

Tue, 2009-05-19 (All day)

The Best Teaching Assistant Coordinator (TAC) award was presented to recognize the outstanding TACs for their excellence in leadership and performance in their TAC duties. This year, three Best TAC winners are elected through the online voting system by all eligible TAs and peer evaluation by CELT staff.

Winners of the Best TAC Election as follow:

Best TAC: Mr LUK Wing Hei (ECE)

1st runner-up: Miss SUEN Po Chi, Gigi (CIVL)

2nd runner-up: Mr AU Siu Chung, Jeff (BIOL)

19 MAY 2009 SPRING

Tue, 2009-05-19 (All day)

TA Certificate of Achievement Presentation Ceremony

At the end of the academic year, CELT and TACC organize the TA Certificate of Achievement Presentation Ceremony for all new TAs as recognition to their completion of the TA training program. The TA Certificate of Achievement was presented to all eligible TAs by Prof TC Pong (AVPAA) in the ceremony. All Department Heads, PGCs and TAs were invited to join us for this celebratory event.

Raising Gender Awareness Among Hong Kong Students

Tue, 2009-05-05 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Julian M. Groves

Format: Seminar

Why do so few women enter the fields of science and engineering? Why are women underrepresented in Hong Kong’s business, political, and legal institutions? In this interactive seminar, Dr Julian Groves shared some classroom techniques that he has developed over the years which instructors can use to make students aware of the gendered obstacles that they will face in their professional lives.

Workshop Materials:

Outcome-Based Approaches in Teaching: Sharing of Implementation Experience at Course Level

Mon, 2009-04-27 14:30 to 16:00

Speaker: Dr Po-ying HO

Location: Room 3362 (Lift 3 and Lift 13/15), HKUST

Dr Ho is a Senior Lecturer and Senior Fieldwork Coordinator in the Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Having ample teaching experience with the outcome-based approaches, she shared her experience in adopting the OBE and give some practical examples of it.

Workshop Materials:

OBE Workshop by Prof Ira Jacobson

Mon, 2009-04-20 09:30 to 16:30

Speaker: Prof Ira Jacobson

Location: Room 4621 (Lift 31/32), HKUST

Prof Ira Jacobson is one of the world experts on Engineering education, outcome-based learning approaches, and program accreditation. In the workshop, he covered:

20 MAR 2009 SPRING

Fri, 2009-03-20 (All day)

The event held on 20 March 2009 was jointly organized by the TACC and CELT. Three interactive role-playing dramas were performed by TACs. The show provided a chance for TAs to learn more on handling the difficult situations in their HKUST life.

