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CEI Workshops and Seminars

How to Enhance Your Lecture Materials for Classroom and On-line

Fri, 2002-12-06 (All day)

Presenter: Mei Fang

Format: Workshop

Mrs Mei Fang, an experienced facilitator and instructional designer, facilitated a DIY (Do-it-yourself) workshop that gave an account on the learning issues in lectures and demonstrated how the ASSURE framework could help to enhance the effectiveness of different stages in lecture preparation and delivery.

Workshop Materials:

21st Century Enterprises and their Employees

Wed, 2002-10-30 (All day)

Presenter: Albert Wong

Format: General Education Lecture

Mr Albert Wong, Personnel Manager of Strategies and Relations Development of Cathay Pacific Airways, came in October and shared with us his personal experience as well as the CX stories in the General Education Lecture: "21st Century Enterprises and their Employees".

Workshop Materials:

To Learn Is To Play: If This Was Only True?!

Mon, 2002-09-23 (All day)

Presenter: Christine Loh

Format: General Education Lecture

Christine Loh, CEO of Civic Exchange and Council Member of HKUST came and gave a general education lecture "To Learn is to Play - If This was Only True" on 23 Sept. It was well received by approximately 250 participants.

Workshop Materials:

Focusing on Cognitive Development to Assess and Improve Student Thinking

Fri, 2002-09-20 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Susan Wolcott

Format: Interactive Session

With her wide experiences in working with faculty on supporting critical thinking development, Dr Susan Wolcott describes a model to help students develop and document critical thinking skills in an interactive session

Workshop Materials:

Teaching and Learning at HKUST

Tue, 2002-08-27 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Jimmy Fung (MATH), Prof Rudolf Fleischer (COMP) and Mr Nick Noakes (CELT/LC).

Format: Information Session

An Information Session on "Teaching and Learning at HKUST" was held on 27 Aug. It served to give faculty members and teaching staff, particularly new ones, first hand information to get by in HKUST.

Workshop Materials:

What Knowledge and Skills will our Children Need in Order to Prosper in the 21st Century?

Sat, 2002-06-29 (All day)

Presenter: Mr David Warlick

Format: Pubic Seminar

Mr David Warlick, author of "Raw materials of the Mind"; Founder and President of US "The Landmark Project", delivered a public seminar. In this entertaining and thought-provoking address, he helped the audience to understand the challenge that faces education today and the classrooms that will be necessary to meet that challenge.

Workshop Materials:

Experience of Teaching Large Class

Fri, 2002-05-31 (All day)

Presenter: UST Faculty members and instructors

Format: Round-table Sharing Session

With the purpose to assist the UST teaching community in teaching large class effectively, a round-table sharing session was held for faculty members and instructors to share their experience. Students' comments of learning in large class as well as resources related to large class teaching are compiled.

Workshop Materials:

Global Learning Networks, Past, Present and Futures

Fri, 2002-04-26 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Richard Larson

Format: Seminar

Prof Richard Larson , Director of the Center for Advanced Educational Services, MIT, Principle Investigator of several MIT's major technology-enabled learning programs came to UST and gave a talk on the development of the Global Learning Network.

Workshop Materials:

Challenges to Universities brought by Education Reform

Mon, 2002-03-25 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Tai Kai Ng (PHYS)

Format: Seminar

Prof Tai Kai Ng from the Department of Physics at UST gave a seminar presentation and discussed the challenges to universities brought about by the Hong Kong Education Reform.

Workshop Materials:

University Education in the 21st Century

Sat, 2001-12-01 (All day) to Sun, 2001-12-30 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Eric Mazur

Format: Interview

World renowned scientist and educator, Prof Eric Mazur from Harvard University, shares his views on University education in the 21st Century in an interview with CELT.

Workshop Materials:

University Education in the 21st Century
